Chtěli byste se podílet na špičkovém výzkumu, a to v Praze na Přírodovědecké fakultě UK? První držitel start-up grantu Nadace Experientia Ondřej Baszczyňski hledá postdoktorské kolegy a kolegyně do svého mladého týmu! Nástup by byl v lednu 2020. Popis pozice najdete níže. Ondřejovy webovky zde:
Postdoctoral position – drug delivery systems and fluoroprobes (starting from January 2020, or ASAP thereafter)
Newly opened postdoctoral position in our research group is focused toward the design and synthesis of novel drug delivery systems (prodrugs) and fluoroprobes. The main subject of this postdoctoral work will consist of 1) synthesis and study of phosphate-based drug delivery systems, and 2) monitoring and optimization of the drug release processes. Optimized prodrugs will be used for targeted delivery of therapeutics to the desired site of action (tissue, cell). Important part of the research work will also include synthesis of various fluoroprobes designed for the validation of prepared drug delivery systems and for the cell membrane imaging. Obtained results will further deepen our knowledge on fundamental challenges of current medicinal chemistry, including targeted delivery of drugs and cell imaging.
The position is available for a period of 2 years.
Requirements: Ph.D. in organic or bioorganic chemistry. Experience with prodrugs, conjugates and/or fluoroprobes is an advantage.
How to apply: Please submit your CV, list of publications and 1 reference letter by email to